Some people might said, being a couple in traditional javanese wedding are somehow looks very complicated. At some points, they might be right, but for those who were born and raised under javanese culture, will probably just take it for granted.

Besides it’s mystical atmosphere, Javanese people are very familiar with symbolic language, that represent everything by many things like ceremonies. Yes, everything has a meaning. This also applied in javanese traditional wedding ceremony as it is a symbolic form of prayers for the couple.

Every single aspect of it starting from the tools until the procedures are somehow have a story to told as a form of prayers to the God. It’s represent the way of life and thinking of javanese people about kindness, value of marital life and their relationship towards God.

Vendor list:
Wedding Organizer: One Heart Wedding
Decoration: Ebimoekti
Master of Ceremony: Meutya Hafid
Makeup and Wardrobe: Tienuk Rifki
Entertainment:  Acoustic Punch
Holy Matrimony Venue: GPIB Effattha, Jakarta
Reception Venue: Fairmont Hotel, Jakarta

Yestha Pahlevi

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