For those who know me (or even some random people who stroll around my facebook page), I’m quite sure they will agree that I’m fond of photo taking sessions. From pre-wedding, wedding day, pregnancy, post pregnancy, until my boy’s 1st birthday. Call me narcissistic or anything similar, but I truly believe that pictures are the screenshots of our memories that last forever. Memories can be lost somewhere along the way, but pictures are something like time machines. They are like triggers for reminiscing those very moments where they were taken.


Back to those days when we were preparing our wedding, the two important things that we finalized very early were the venue and secondly, the photographers. Here’s the funny thing, I ended up choosing THEUPPERMOST because of this one particular picture, and it did not even have any couple posing like the usual stuff. They took a picture of a suit which was hanged on the lamp. I was in awe by that one, not by its simplicity but moreover, it was the way The Uppermost able to capture the detail elegantly. Straight away, they were the top of my wanted list. The deal was done relatively smooth: asked the pricelist through e-mail, held a meeting on the following day, had some chit chat quite a bit, and I paid the down payment.


Don’t get me wrong, I had been browsing around and did my research on other photographers, and in the end I was kind of bored with the similar pictures taken showing both bride and groom’s faces in close up (and sometimes they are lack of emotional appeal). We have spent so much on the venue, the dress, make up, cake, flowers, etc.; but those things become wasteful and if we do not have proper photographers to capture all those details. At the end of the day, what are left behind were memories, and the pictures.


So forgive me by saying this, it is quite an irony that people would like to pay so much on the decoration and food, but not on the photographers. The fact is, your wedding album will last longer than your whole wedding day event, and most likely it will be passed down to your kid, probably the grandkids as well.

I’ve been encountered many couples complaining; they wished they had engaged other photographers, cause theirs did not do a proper job. I can tell you, it did not occur to me, THEUPPERMOST was the best and easiest decision I made, period.

So that’s why I choose to join THEUPPERMOST team, not just because they provide amazing results, but these guys are also professional with the right attitude.

I’m looking forward to work with them to achieve greater things.

Suri Lim

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